Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Still kicking...

As the good captain mentioned a few days ago, I've been moving. I also had a kid graduate from high school. And in-laws staying with me for two weeks. And I've had to go back to dial up internet service since broadband is not yet available where I live. As such, I'm NOT in the best of moods. So let's get on with it, shall we???

Tandy TRS-80 Color Computer & OS-9 Archive 15919 files

I'm trying to figure out how I feel about this. While this would be a great service to those with slow connections (like me) I also see this as stepping on someone's toes. Another auction by this seller MAY be what led to Ira pulling the downloadable content from his site ( If stuff like this is going to be sold in an eBay auction, then it'd be nice if the seller had the permission to do so and it was at a price where he did not show much profit, like a $4.99 Buy It Now auction. On the flip side, there is a lot of work that goes into pulling the data together to make a DVD like this (just ask Briza).

Vintage trs-80 color computer

WTF...? While there is a good bit here, where are the pics? And this in no way requires freight shipping. To zipcode 32025 it came up with $411.16!!! I had a Model IV and two boxes of TI-99 and Model IV stuff shipped to me for less than $60. This one earns my bitch smack for the day...

TRS80 - Tandy Color Computer 2 in Original Box

Here's a nice CoCo2 I'd say, in collectible condition (Cris may correct me...) still in original box...

Tandy 128K TRS-80 Color Computer 2 plus 3 games

Here's a usable CoCo2 with a few packs and two of those crappy joysticks that are impossible to play Donkey Kong with. And I'd like to see what upgrade they have for a CoCo2 with 128k... Bidders; ask questions...

Complete Working Vintage Tandy Color Computer 3

Here's a complete CoCo3 system. Shipping seems a little high, but, since the CM-8 comes with it, it may be correct. Here's your chance to get a complete system up and running if you don't have one yet, this one seems to have it all. Not collectible, but certainly usable.

And finally, here the last auction I won:

Tandy Video ComputerTETRIS Joy stick cassette

Not much, but, couldn't pass it up for the price. I also won a Parsec cart for my Ti, but, that's not for this blog :).

Later all...


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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

5/22/07 Auctions/Sales of Note

A few interesting picks this week.  It's a great time to pick up a CoCo 3 as well.  Plenty being listed and the prices have mostly been quite reasonable. I did adjust the Price Guide for a Good CoCo 3 down slightly. The price for just the unit (no manuals, box, etc.) in Good condition has been running between $20.00 to $30.00, but several have gone way cheaper.  Like I said, a good time to look and bid if you need a CoCo 3!

eBay: TANDY TRS-80 COLOR COMPUTER w/ audio output upgrade (item 290120257216 end time May-27-07 14:55:33 PDT)

Modified, well loved CoCo 1s aren't particularly collectible (yet), but I still think they're neat.  And if you like a CoCo with some character, or odd bits stuck on it, these are always worth looking at.  This one has some sort of audio/video mod for driving a monitor.  (Note that while it comes with a CoCo 3 box, it obviously isn't a CoCo 3.)  These are usually grab bags, but sometimes you can pop it open and find some rather rare modifications and upgrades from the early days. I've picked up several myself and been pleasantly surprised a few times.  My favorite was the one with an early video mod, keyboard, the piggyback memory upgrade and lower case kit on a 26-3001, all shielded for RF interference with big sheets of tin foil. heh!  And it works flawlessly!  Not collectible, perhaps, but loads of fun.

eBay: TRS-80 MULTIPAK INTERFACE & 3 CARTRIGES (item 230133245909 end time May-28-07 22:07:36 PDT)

This one isn't collectible, but the white 3024 MPI is rare enough I figured I would call it out.  This is the one that's easily modifiable to work with the CoCo 3 and OS-9 Level II. (The 3124 is trickier to modify. The super rare 3124A is already upgraded and works fine.)

eBay: Radio Shack TRS-80 Multi-Pak Interface Vintage Computer (item 180120444646 end time May-27-07 18:25:55 PDT)

Not in the best of condition, but rare enough to note.  This is the original gray MPI, also designated Cat No 26-3024.  This thing is a beast, by the way.  Big honkin' heavy thing that looks really cool plugged into a Gray. Make sure you have some desk real estate, though. :)

eBay: TRS-80 CoCo - Sams ComputerFacts & Other Manuals/Books (item 170113875375 end time May-26-07 17:34:13 PDT)

These SAM's computer manuals don't show up very often. Included of note are the Computerfacts for the CoCo 1 26-3002 and the CoCo 2 26-3134 and 26-3136.  Alas, I've never seen these, so couldn't say what information they contain. If I remember correctly, they're similar to a Service Manual.

eBay: VINTAGE- TANDY CO LOR CO LOR I I CONTROLLER DISK (item 300112986375 end time May-26-07 07:33:11 PDT)

Interesting item.  It would be more interesting with a little history or factual information about it.  It appears to be a 26-3022 controller.  According to the label it has no disk ROM.  Where's it from?  What was it for?  Hmmm...  Regardless, assuming the controller chip and electronics are in there and working, it might be handy for popping an EPROM for an alternate DOS.

eBay: RADIO SHACK TRS-80 COMPUTER CASSETTE RECORDER CCR-82 (item 290118252662 end time May-22-07 21:54:52 PDT)

Pretty good condition CCR-82 recorder and it appears complete. Possibly unused.  Never cared for this recorder, myself. I've had three go dead on me, though I was able to get one of 'em running again with a rubber band. heh.  Not as sturdy as the older CCR-81 or CCR-81A.  Tandy dropped this one eventually and reintroduced the sturdier, and excellent (and terribly rare!), CCR-83.  Anyhow, this one is definitely in collectible condition, so worth a look. If you intend to use it, your mileage may vary.

eBay: Tandy Colour Computer 3 (item 180120930339 end time May-28-07 16:43:48 PDT)

In Canada, this mis-listed CoCo 3 might be a good deal.  A little yellowed, but certainly a candidate. Just check the shipping outside of Canada.  It can get steep real quick.

eBay: Computer dust covers, Available in any color or size (item 200111876013 end time May-27-07 17:26:16 PDT)

Heh.  This is fun.  Hey, those old Tandy covers tend to yellow, are hard to come by, are freakin' ugly, and these are purdier.  Might make the pile o' CoCo Goodness more tolerable to the wife. :D

Sales of Note

eBay: TRS-80 coco 2 computer access card rare interface card (item 250116547243 end time May-23-07 15:12:49 PDT)

This interface card, labeled Computer Access Card, went for a whopping US$104.50.  Great collectible and very cool item.

eBay: Radio Shack TRS-80 Computer, Graphic Printer & Games NR (item 330120433586 end time May-22-07 18:18:03 PDT)

This nice CoCo 2, with extras including a CGP-115, went for US$87.66.  The CoCo 2 has still got it. :)

eBay: 3 TANDY COCO Game Cartridges w/ Box & Manual THAROGGAD (item 330119696903 end time May-20-07 15:49:55 PDT)

Pretty nice pak lot, including Super Pitfall, Predator, and Castle of Tharoggad, went for US$25.00. 

eBay: 3 TANDY COCO Game Cartridges w/ Box & Manual ROBOCOP (item 330119696896 end time May-20-07 15:49:54 PDT)

Nother lot with Football II, Malcom Mortar, and Robo Cop, went for US$20.50.

eBay: Rare TRS-80 Disc Drive Controller J&M Systems With Book (item 300111217353 end time May-20-07 14:16:51 PDT)

Yet another I wish I could have bid on, just for the reference manual.  Alas.  :)  Still, expected this to a go a bit higher.  Hopefully whoever landed it will scan the manual and post it.  Very nice controller for your CoCo 1/2.

eBay: TRS-80 Color Computer and Graphic Printer (item 330119287501 end time May-19-07 09:18:21 PDT)

This CoCo 1 setup went for a very nice US$50.00.  Wow!  Could the one be making a comeback?  They're moving slow, but they are moving!  Now if folks would just listed the Cat No we could track the prices! heh.

eBay: TANDY RADIO SHACK TRS 80 COMPUTER ELECTRONIC BOOK RARE (item 180116402162 end time May-18-07 19:37:04 PDT)

Wasn't sure how to list this in the Price Guide. Seems like it should have software with it.  Anyhow, it's listed in the hardware section and sold for US$11.58.

eBay: TANDY TRS 80 HANDYMAN CARTRIDGE~VINTAGE VIDEO GAME (item 270120906153 end time May-18-07 18:51:34 PDT)

These two very nice, and rare, paks went for US$22.50!

eBay: Vintage TRS-80 Color Computer 2 Radio Shack NIB (item 180116386640 end time May-18-07 18:49:30 PDT)

If Brian weren't busy moving, this would make a great "What the ???" entry. heh.  I'll do it.  WHAT THE???  This CoCo 2 went for an astonishing US$102.50!  It was listed as NIB (New In Box) and wasn't anywhere close. For my collection purposes, judging from the pictures, I'd have said Very Good.  Hell, the thing wasn't even complete, and didn't even include manuals.  Sheesh.  Well, I hope the buyer gets some serious enjoyment out of it.  It's great to see the CoCo 2 so popular, but I'd hate for people to get turned off by paying too much for an incorrectly listed item.  No, I'm not adjusted the Price Guide for this one.  It's one of those fluke situations.

And we'll end that here.  On the CoCo units themselves, there's plenty of sales going on for very usable units.  Collectible units and units with lots of nice extras are also moving.  I'll need to watch it a touch longer but it looks like the CoCo 1 is selling a bit again, the CoCo 2 is holding steady, and there's plenty of CoCo 3s listed over the last month.  After a lack of the latter for a long while, it's nice to see them listing and selling well.  More CoCoists the merrier! 

NIB and Fine paks are bringing in good prices right now. Many of the good paks in any condition are also selling.  With the number of CoCo sales increasing, I would expect that trend to continue. 

It does appear that there are at least a few new collectors hitting the listings lately, as well.  The regulars and heavy hitters, however, have been pretty dormant.  So while we're seeing some solid prices on collectible Color Computer items, mostly they aren't going through the roof.  This situation can generally mean that it's a great time to grab some CoCo gear.  Consistent sales of the machines means more listings. More sellers means there's a greater chance of rarities turning up.  We've seen this already, and I'm tracking a couple of listings now (for next week) that are a bunch of nice paks but also a couple of Very Nice rare items from the same seller.  This is good solid CoCo buying and selling, and while it may not be as exciting as the bidding slugfests that we saw a couple of months ago, it's definitely good business for the CoCo!

Angel's Luck,


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Wednesday, May 16, 2007

5/15/07 Auctions of Note

CoCo Auctions and Sales of Note

for May 15th, 2007

eBay: RADIO SHACK TRS-80 COMPUTER CASSETTE RECORDER - CCR-81 (item 300110406762 end time May-17-07 17:51:50 PDT)

Let's start off with a ha ha.  This is gorgeous CCR-81A, near mint and complete. This is the white version of the venerable CCR-81.  Good deck and recommended if you can get one.  I used an old CCR-81 almost daily for 10 years and, 20 years later, it's still running just fine (it's been retired for a shiny CCR-83).  The 81A is the same device in a white plastic case, that matches the CoCo 2 and CoCo 3 nicely.  This one, unfortunately, has a rather, um, optimistic asking price. :)

eBay: Vintage TRS-80 Color Computer 2 Radio Shack NIB (item 180116386640 end time May-18-07 18:49:30 PDT)

Listed as New In Box, but not!  No manuals, plastic wrap, etc.  Still, could be collectible CoCo 2, so worth a look.  I'd inquire about the model, BASIC ROM and memory configuration.

eBay: TANDY RADIO SHACK TRS 80 COMPUTER ELECTRONIC BOOK RARE (item 180116402162 end time May-18-07 19:37:04 PDT)

This is rare enough to warrant a look, though I think there was originally software with it.  Afraid I just don't know much about this one.

eBay: RADIO SHACK TRS-80 COLOR COMPUTER WITH RECORDER,GAMES (item 110127319283 end time May-19-07 18:21:28 PDT)

I can not believe they put that poor CoCo down on the cement.  Sheesh!  From the photos a decent looking original model.  These are getting rarer.

eBay: TANDY TRS-80~ONE-ON-ONE~VIDEO GAME~J.ERVING vs L.BIRD (item 170111580017 end time May-19-07 21:38:12 PDT)

Rare enough for a look.  This is a Steve Bjork game if I remember correcly.  It's also wicked fun.  Way more fun than I thought it would be.  The computer opponents actually have personality and very different playing styles.  And are pretty challenging to boot!  Plus you get that great manual with Bird and Erving on the cover. :)

eBay: TANDY TRS-80 CHILDRENS TELEVISION WORKSHOP VIDEO GAMES (item 170111582217 end time May-19-07 22:03:04 PDT)

Another one for the CoCo 1 that's rare enough to list as notable.  I wish I knew the whole story behind these.  I have a huge set of these that I've never fired up or messed with.  This is one of several Tandy produced for the education and home education markets.  Some of these programs were marketed separately on cassette, as well.  This one looks pretty complete.

eBay: Rare TRS-80 Disc Drive Controller J&M Systems With Book (item 300111217353 end time May-20-07 14:16:51 PDT)

The exceedingly rare J&M floppy controller WITH the manual.  The manual alone is probably worth some bucks.  Since the manual says 1983 it is probably a JDF-CoCo, which is the original J&M controller. This controller went through several revisions (at least through D, that I'm aware of).  The seller doesn't mention what OS is on the EPROM, but most common was JDOS set for 40-track operation.  It won't work with the CoCo 3, but supposedly can be patched.

eBay: TRS-80 coco 2 computer access card rare interface card (item 250116547243 end time May-23-07 15:12:49 PDT)

So rare it hurts. This is a development board for making program paks and interfacing with the CoCo via the pak bus.  The seller doesn't list the manufacturer, but if I remember correctly there were a few that made  things like this.  Very cool.  Very expensive, as well.  Starting bid of 101.89 and a Buy It Now of $150.00.  I would be surprised at all if someone snapped this up.

eBay: TANDY TRS 80 Springster ~VINTAGE VIDEO GAME~1980 (item 270120908058 end time May-18-07 18:58:18 PDT)

Two paks of interest.  Springster is a really weird CoCo 3 game.  It's just... odd.  Never quite got the hang of it.  Math Tutor, the pak version in the CoCo 3 era clamshell case.  Can't comment on it.  Both appear to be a in excellent collectible condition.

eBay: 3 TANDY COCO Game Cartridges w/ Box & Manual THAROGGAD (item 330119696903 end time May-20-07 15:49:55 PDT)

This lot has three CoCo 3 paks in their original clamshells.  Those shells, by the way, are an excellent indicator of how the pak has been stored. They yellow very quickly and horribly.  So clear clamshells means pretty good storage.  This lot includes Castle of Tharoggad, Super Pitfall, and Predator.  Alas, Predator is sans manual.  (Having played the game extensively, trust me when I say it wouldn't help anyway.  Great game... if you're in any way sadistic.)

eBay: 3 TANDY COCO Game Cartridges w/ Box & Manual ROBOCOP (item 330119696896 end time May-20-07 15:49:54 PDT)

Another round of very nice paks for the CoCo 3.  This lot includes RoboCop, GFL Championship Football II (blah) and A Mazing World of Malcom Mortar.  Never played the latter.

Running late, so no Price Guide Update or sales of note this week.  Shall make an extra effort to get something in next time. ;) 

Angel's Luck,


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Sunday, May 06, 2007

5/6/07 Auctions of Note

Auctions of note for May 5th, 2006:

There just hasn't been much that's got me excited lately as far as CoCo auctions go. Probably has a lot to do with the pile of stuff I still need to go through and catalog.  Hard to get hot about buying new CoCo stuff when the wife is looking at the big piles of it in the CoCo room and giving the evil eye and fondling a shovel and a package of over sized trash bags.  Ahem.  And the pile just keeps getting bigger!  

A quick thank you to several people (you know who you are) who've sent stuff to Project CoCo Rescue.  I really do send this stuff back out and there's some happy folks out there right now, gleefully playing with your old CoCo stuff and putting it to good use.  They thank you, too. ;)   The project is officially closed, alas.  I'll still take any CoCo stuff you intend to throw out, and I'll continue to pass it along to others.  I just can't afford to pay more than postage for common stuff anymore on account I'm running out of CoCo cash! :)  So, if you want to donate it to the cause, by all means drop me an email.  If not, PLEASE list it on eBay or post to one of the message boards out there.  There's plenty of people that would love to have it!!!

On to the collecting...  While things have certainly been slow in the TRS-80 listings, there's been stuff worth considering, particularly if you're looking for things to use with your system and not just to collect.  That's been the picture for awhile now, of course.  Here's a few items that caught my eye:

eBay: Lot of 7 Tandy Color Computer Games (item 270118018090 end time May-13-07 17:22:44 PDT)

This lot has a couple of CoCo 1/2 titles and five CoCo 3 titles.  Fairly used, but include the box and instructions.  Pretty nice lot if you want to jump start your collection.  All of these are pretty good games, with Sub Battle, Thexder, King's Quest III, Koronis Rift, Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego,  Shanghai and Interbank Incident.

eBay: Supersound audio for the Tandy Color Computer 3 (item 250112309877 end time May-11-07 16:34:57 PDT)

This is a CoCo 3 program I'm not familiar with.  Appears to be some sort of sounds digitizing system.  Includes instructions and original disk.  The original is damaged, so a working backup is also included.  Looks pretty neat and, obviously, exceedingly rare!

eBay: Vintage TRS-80 plus many extras!!! all in original box. (item 330116970408 end time May-12-07 15:45:04 PDT)

Good looking and mostly complete CoCo 1 system with most of the original fixings, tape drive, and a pair of stubbies in the box.  There's some tapes, too, but alas the contents aren't listed. Shipping is a bit (okay exceedingly) steep.

eBay: TRS-80 Color Computer Learning Lab - LN (item 300108290786 end time May-08-07 19:36:50 PDT)

You know, I've never run the tapes on this.  Had it for years.  Weird. Anyhoo, these don't come looking decent much.  This one is not bad at all.  Those old Tandy binders yellow pretty bad, destroying the manuals and tapes.  This one appears complete, but the pictures aren't the clearest. 

eBay: TANDY TRS 80~INTERBANK INCIDENT~ON FLOPPYS~VIDEO GAME (item 170108279633 end time May-09-07 21:59:00 PDT)

Great game, fair but complete copy.  Worth playing on your CoCo 1/2.

eBay: TANDY TRS 80 DRAGON FIRE CARTRIDGE~VINTAGE VIDEO GAME (item 170108279018 end time May-09-07 21:51:12 PDT)

Another fun game, this one full of dragon action.  Just the pak and the manual, but it's rare enough to warrant a good look.

eBay: TANDY TRS 80~SHAMUS~ON FLOPPY~VIDEO GAME~1983~RARE (item 170108274674 end time May-09-07 21:09:11 PDT)

Another fairly rare OS-9 disk game. 

eBay: Radio Shack TRS-80 Color Computer,printer, manuals, NR (item 140114215503 end time May-09-07 14:57:35 PDT)

And another very nice CoCo 1.  This was is appears to be a 26-3002 from 1982.   They didn't show the other side of the box, but it appears to be Color BASIC only.

eBay: TANDY COLOR COMPUTER 3 128K STD.TV, VIDEO, RGB NIB (item 260114200944 end time May-07-07 14:24:28 PDT)

Wow.  A complete, pretty much brand new CoCo 3.  It's not mint (the box has been opened), but it's about as close as you get on eBay.  Collector's take note!

eBay: Radio Shack Service Manual for TRS-80 Color Computer (item 120115445044 end time May-08-07 18:54:30 PDT)

Pretty rare service manual (the second one, the first is green) for the 3001/3002.  If you own one of these machines this is a Good Thing to have.

Not too bad actually. :)

Folks are buying, though, and seeing a lot of new people I haven't seen bidding before. Software and paks are going strong and pulling in some record prices.  Loads of CoCo 2s selling as well!  Some sales of note:

eBay: Tandy TRS-80 TRS80 Cassette Recorder Cable 26-1207 NOS (item 110121071330 end time May-05-07 17:29:09 PDT)

Holy crap!  This tape deck cable and, in another auction, a CoCo serial cable, sold for nearly US$55.00!!!  Now where are all those extra cable I have laying about here... I need some cash!

eBay: TANDY TRS 80 GRAPHIC PAK CARTRIDGE AND BOOK~'82~RARE (item 170106092452 end time May-02-07 22:51:35 PDT)

This very nice looking Graphic Pak and manual (no original packaging) went for a whopping US$17.00! 

eBay: TANDY TRS 80~PEGASUS~ON FLOPPY~VIDEO GAME~1985~RARE (item 170106089801 end time May-02-07 22:18:44 PDT)

Pegasus and The Phantom Riders, great and rare game, excellent condition floppy package, complete, US$15.50.  Bumped up the price guide a bit, but too few copies recorded to get a good accurate read.

eBay: TANDY TRS 80 ROBOT BATTLE ~ADV. IN PROGRAMMING~'81~RARE (item 170106080397 end time May-02-07 21:29:26 PDT)

Darn rare game by itself. Even rarer complete in package.  Sold for about US$10.50.  This is the first price guide capture.

eBay: Radio Shack TRS-80 Color Computer Software SPIDERCIDE (item 320107737024 end time May-01-07 21:37:31 PDT)

Super rare in any condition, this was a still shrinked copy of the Spiderside pak.  I didn't bid on this because, well, I'm an idiot. Sold for about US$26.00.

eBay: Radio Shack TRS-80 Color Computer Software POLTERGEIST (item 320107737000 end time May-01-07 21:37:27 PDT)

Still shrinked Poltergiest pak.  See, above idiot excuse.  Sold for US$7.50.

eBay: TRS 80/Radio Shack/Tandy - 56 carts-manuals-some new (item 270113224835 end time Apr-30-07 19:12:59 PDT)

WOOO!  Probably the biggest dollar auction for the CoCo I've seen in a long time.  Big fat lot of 56 paks went for US$196.33.  Dang.

eBay: 31 5.25" Floppy Disks with Tandy Color Computer Stuff (item 110119984023 end time Apr-30-07 18:16:51 PDT)

This grab bag of CoCo disks (no identifications) went for a solid $31.00.  Hope they got something good!

eBay: VINTAGE Tandy TRS 80 Color Computer 2 LOADED NO RESERVE (item 130104018628 end time Apr-28-07 13:59:17 PDT)

Gorgeous and complete CoCo 2 lot. Went for a very nice $104.00.  Seller made a great sale, and the seller got a darn good looking (and handy) CoCo 2 setup.  Hope he gets a ton of enjoyment out of it.

eBay: tandy trs-80 touch pad mint in box (item 300104705737 end time Apr-28-07 08:42:03 PDT)

Pretty much brand new one.  I think these got a bit over valued, so I chopped the price guide listing down considerably after this one and another didn't sell several times in a row.  This one went for US$15.50.

eBay: TC^3 SCSI Controller and drive system - Color Computer (item 110117265941 end time Apr-26-07 16:38:08 PDT)

Okay, and we'll finish up with this Cloud-9 TC^3 SCSI setup.  This isn't vintage equipment, but it was still fun to see it come up for sale.  This one went with Jaz drive and 4X CD ROM drive plus the controller for US$80.00.  Great deal considering the controller alone sells for $75.00 new (without the real time clock, which isn't mentioned in the auction). 

Final note, I'll going to try (for awhile anyhow) to switch posting the CoCo Collector more regularly on Tuesdays nights instead of Sunday and as things pop up.  I'll post hot single items as they come up, but most of it will be on the one night.  I'm hoping this switch will a) give it some freakin regularity (and hey, when you're my age, being regular is great), and 2) let me update the price guide more consistently.  Might as well have a go at it, right?! :)

Angel's Luck,


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