Monday, April 09, 2007

4/9/07 Auctions of Note

Auctions of Note for April 9th, 2006:

Ah, the ups and downs of CoCo Collecting in the Spring!  It rains and pours, then it's quiet and calm.  I don't think I've had this few items on my watch list in quite awhile.  Still there are a few items to get excited about. Let's have a look.

eBay: 5 Rainbow Magazines 84/85 TRS-80 Tandy Color Computer (item 330107901914 end time Apr-16-07 17:58:02 PDT)

These caught my eye because, well, I don't have them. heh... I wouldn't mind seeing a few smaller lots of magazines like this.  It would make filling in a collection a bit easier.

eBay: Hard Drive controller for TRS-80 Coco Color computer! (item 230115504019 end time Apr-16-07 14:31:02 PDT)

A floppy controller with ADOS loaded in it from Hard Drive Specialists.  Pretty dang rare item.  Seller mentions this might also be a hard drive controller, but doesn't look like it to me.  Appears to be wired for dual horizontal floppies, though with ADOS on it, they probably run double sided 40-track, or perhaps even 80-track drives (can't see how wide the ends of the ribbon cables are... looks like the cable to a 5 1/4" drive).

In the "What The???" Department:

eBay: TRS-80 32K COCO EXT BASIC SER# 0001628 MFD OCT 1982 (item 270107568647 end time Apr-13-07 08:27:12 PDT)

Okay, granted, Brian already mentioned this one AND it's been thoroughly ridiculed on the CoCo mailing list (I may not read it, but I do skim it), but seriously...  Dude actually paid money to list this. heh.

eBay: 6 Vintage Tandy Stereo Music Synthesizer Coco 26-3143 (item 200097824953 end time Apr-14-07 14:33:39 PDT)

Big lot of in the box Orchestra-90ccs. Not sure what you would do with this many, but if you were inclined to have a bunch of them, here ya go.

Angel's Luck,


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