Monday, April 09, 2007

Quick update - I won an auction!!!

First off, here's the auction I won:

Radio Shack Color Computer Software - LOGO + More 

This was really better than advertised. The Color Logo disk doesn't even look like it's seen a disk drive. And yes good Capt, it IS a Tandy Home Education Systems product. Comes with a study guide and all. I have absolutely NO idea what I'll do with it, but, it's cool anyway.

CGD Plus comes with the manual, an original floppy with serial, several backup floppies, as well as font and graphics disks as well. just wish I would have remembered to bring it home from work so i could make back ups on 3.5" disks, and try it out!!!

Kid writer looks to be original also. I have no idea what it does, but, it's in good shape. :)

Now, on to the auctions;

Lot of 3 Tandy CoCo Color Computer 1 / 2 vintage system

Looks like 2 generations of the CoCo1 and a CoCo2. I do not consider these to be collectible, but they are certainly usable.

Kings Quest 3 For the TRS 80 Color Computer

Looks to be close to collectible as most if not all of it is there. Be warned, the shipping cost is out-fraking-ragous.

And from the totally fraking stupid file comes this:

TRS-80 32K COCO EXT BASIC SER# 0001628 MFD OCT 1982

Alright, if this were a dev system, or CoCo numero-uno, or a CoCo3 that Sock master found the elusive 256 color mode, I could see a couple hundred dollars. IMHO, this guy needs to be take out behind the woodshed and beaten with an Apple ][ and C-64. I would ordinarily be a little pissy and not quite this vocal, however, he actually RAISED the original starting bid from $500 to $800. My feeling is this guy is a relative n00b and has actually been lingering around the CoCo chatrooms and is trying to elicit a response...

10 Rainbow on Tapes for TRS-80 Coco color computer!

Here's 10 R.O.T. I get curious, or maybe it's suspicious, every time I see a reserve auction on vintage computer stuff. If they have minimum amount they'll take for it, why not just put it up??

For those who do not frequent the CoCo Hut Bulletin Board (and shame on you), a few weeks ago I started doing some research on floppy drives for the CoCo. Let's face it, the old 360k 5 1/4" floppies and drives are getting a little hard to fine and long in the tooth. And finding a true 720k 3.5" drive is an impossibility, unless you want to pay >$50 per drive. To that end, I've been checking every 3.5" 1.44mb floppy I can find for certain features. Basically what I've been looking for is whether the drive can be used as a drive 0, 1, 2 or 3. Go check out the thread, 3.5" Floppy drives with jumpers... and see what I've found so far. Keep in mind, this is a WIP so hopefully the list will grow.



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