Wednesday, October 04, 2006

News: CoCo Collector Message Board

After much deliberation, angst, gnashing of the teeth, thoughful consideration and Zen like contemplation... okay, on whim... I've restarted the bulletin board at Capt's CoCo Hut.


Well, you know I asked myself that as well. The first reason is a got hold of some really neat bulletin board software and installed it on the server. Which, really, is good enough reason. :) But I also think that it could hurt to have a place to actually carry on conversations about collecting and aquiring CoCos. This doesn't supplant comments to the blog, feel free to comment on any post you like, but should suppliment it by making it easier to hold a threaded discussion. So, if you're inclined and you'd like to chat CoCo collecting, pop by and have a PEEK.

The CoCo Collector Message Board

Oh, you can chat about anything else you'd like as well.

Angel's Luck,

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