Monday, August 14, 2006

8/14/06 - My first post and decent Coco3 Auction

Howdy, all!! random_rodder (a.k.a. Brian) here. Cris was kind enough to ask me to make occasional comments and observations about the world of Coco Collecting. I do not have a whole lot news wise, but there is one auction today on eBay that looks to be worth keeping track of for collectability...

Huge Lot of Coco3 Software

I would ask for a shipping quote directly, though.

Overall recently, with a few notable exceptions, noteworthy Coco items seem to have slowed down a bit. The MM/1 is an interesting auction (hope CaptCPU wins, I cannot afford to bid..). And I have seen what appears, at least in my opinion, to be an overall decrease in 'collectable' items. Plenty of useable stuff, though. If you're looking for project material, this seems to be a good time. An example :

Claims to be a 'Well Loved Coco3'

If well loved means 'seen a lot of use, that would be the ticket. This one would make great repack material.

Till next time, later


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