Thursday, August 31, 2006

8/31/06 Auctions of Note

Auctions of note for August 31st, 2006:

And the slow down begins. :) If past history is any indicator, we'll probably see a slight slow down in CoCo auctions, at least in quantity, for the next week or so. Will it last? (And as always in these cases, here's to hoping I'm wrong. Wouldn't mind one bit.)

Still a few interesting bits up for grabs over the last few days, so here's a roundup.

Vintage color computer Radio Shack TRs 60

Here's a nice looking TRS 60 [sic], er... 80 CoCo 2 in box. Low profile version so probably a 3026 or 3027. Here's a good example how to scope out the good 'uns from the bad 'uns. Those manuals and the packing material look pretty dang good in the photos. While it's certainly not 100% accurate, many times if the packing and manuals look good, the machine will be good. (And now that I say that, 400 duds will turn up all at once. Murphy's Law.) If you need an early CoCo 2, this wouldn't be a bad one to consider.

TRS80 / TRS-80 Cave Walker / The Color Computer Artist

Not terribly common disks up for grabs. Incomplete and untested, unfortunately. Cavewalker was kind of fun and has a ton of levels. If you like the Downland program pak, you'll like Cavewalker. It's one of those frustrating games that you'll play just to beat it out of spite. heh! Color Computer Artist for the CoCo 3 is a graphics editor for the CoCo. Haven't fire it up yet (it's in my "to do" pile), so couldn't say if it's worth it or not.

Oops, Dept.

This one appeared in the TRS-80 listings:

lot 10 VINTAGE GAME CARTRIGES Texas Intstruments Ti-99/

So if you CoCo and TI-99/4A, hey take a look. heh :) Actally, I've always wanted a "Car Wars" style game for the CoCo. Something based on the old Steve Jackson board game. That might be a fun project down the road. hmmm.... That one and the OGRE/GEV wargame they did. Oh, and Illuminati, and... well, you get the idea. Many those old games would be a blast and fairly easy to program on the CoCo, even in BASIC. Ideas, ideas and not enough time to do them. Sigh.

And that's about it. Glen from the CoCo Longue still has stuff up he's unloading, including single issue of The Rainbow and The Rainbow on Disk for collection filling, so be sure to take a look. And there's quite a few used CoCo's up for bid if you need parts or spares, and the prices for the most part are more reasonable than we've seen recently (not all, but at least a few worth considering).

It's always tricky to say if these slower periods will continue for long, so I won't make any serious predictions. These are usually good times to save up for the big hits, and buy the little bits and pieces you need to fill in your collection or fill out the parts box a bit. Until next time...

Angel's Luck,

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