Tuesday, August 22, 2006

8/22/06 Auctions of Note

Well, I've been waylaid by an evil, mutant, sadistic stomach flu the last few days. It tried to kill me, but failed. bwahahaha! That which does not make me stronger... just really pisses me off! heh :) Now that I can stand again (well, sit upright anyhow), let's get back to the CoCo Goodness! I'll try to get as much posted as I can tonight, and finish up the rest tomorrow.

Auctions of note for August 22nd, 2006:

TANDY TRS-80 64K Color Computer w/ Software Disk Drive

If this package is as described, it's acutally worth the US$49.99 starting bid! Potentially in very collectible condition as well. Alas, no pictures to verify condition, so ask questions and bid accordingly.

There's actually several CoCo 2s out there listing without any pictures at all. Just a brief description. Seller's take note: These rarely, if ever, sell. You really, really need to provide at least one nice, clean picture. Weird thing is, one of them (above) is from a Power Seller. They usually know better. Hmmm...

In the haha! Dept. (Or is that haha?)

2 TRS-80 Color Computer Mini Floppy Disk Drive 26-3022

Okay, nice looking 26-3022 set up, but almost US$75.00 with the "flat" shipping? Ouch. Hey, if sells it'll make a new Price Guide listing. :)

Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?Color Computer 3

Rare software alert here. Appears to be complete as well! Also a fun game, particularly for the younger set. My daughter and I play this one a lot. My version, though, is a bit different. It ahs a 1988 World Almanac, a different catalog, and the screen colors are different than what's shown in this ad. It was probably updated each year it was in production, so collectors take note: There ARE different editions of this program! (Pictured at left: an alternate package contents of Where in the World...)

Rainbow on Disk FEB88, AUG 88, DEC88 AND JULY 91 coco

Fiiiiive Golden DIIIISKS! Here's five good looking copies of The Rainbow Magazine on disk from 1988 and one for 91. Good stuff.

1980 Tandy PC printer software joystick modem and more

Outstanding! The catch: The shipping. Be sure to ask. Otherwise, we may have the deal of the month here. Lots of original box stuff here. Obviously a well spoiled CoCo and definately worth looking at.

Dorsett Courseware - Talk/tutor Programs, Tandy TRS-80

Well, this is exceedingly rare! Anyone remember the ads for these? Yeah, I skipped over them, too. I bet a lot of people did, making this even rarer. :)

1 comment:

Captain Computer said...

Hey, I work retail. A little stomach bug isn't going to kill me. The holidays might... but a virus? Pah! Ebola never had to deal with an angry teenage girl and her grandmother complaining about the lastest issue of the Fruits Basket manga being delayed. The wuss! :)

I meant to email you on Friday to see what you though of the results. Not having much hard data on those particular issues, I'd say it went well, but I suppose that's kind of a POV thing. :) I'll be adjusting a final price for the first 12 Rainbow issues in the next price guide using the eBay sale (if you're willing and you email me a price breakdown of the other issues you sold privately I'll incorporate that data as well... no customer data of course). Regardless, hope you're happy with the outcome. I know those buyers will be.

Angel's Luck,